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Mindful Money Management

It’s time to take your life from cash chaos to financial zen

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Are you ready to elevate your financial well-being?

Learn the art of Mindful Money Management!

This isn’t just another budgeting app or cookie-cutter budget template. It’s the beginning of redefining your relationship with money.

We’re going unravel financial overwhelm, and emerge with clarity, confidence, and a renewed money identity—aligned with building the life you’ve been dreaming of!

Hi, I’m Samantha but my friends call me Sam!

BTW, we’re friends now....

From homeless single mom with no financial literacy to a homeowner with dual degrees in Finance and Risk Management, I've walked quite a challenging path.

Now, with a 14-year background in finance & consumer psychology plus personal experience with ADHD & BPD, I bring a unique, trauma-informed approach to financial coaching. Here, we turn dreams into goals and financial uncertainty into empowerment! Welcome to a journey of transformation and fulfillment.

Love, Sam

Does any of this

feel familiar?

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Money Mysteries: You often wonder where your money goes each month, leaving you scratching your head and feeling out of control

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Savings Struggles: Despite earning enough to cover the basics, building a savings buffer feels like an unattainable dream.

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Budgeting Burnout: You've tried every app, spreadsheet, and program out there, but nothing seems to stick, leaving you feeling deprived and defeated.

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Financial Fear: Peeking at your bank balance sends shivers down your spine, so you’d rather just hope that card payment gets approved.

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Goal Gaps: Your financial goals feel more like distant dreams, and you’re unsure how to bridge the gap between aspiration and reality.

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Emergency Stress: Every unexpected expense sends you into a spiral, wiping out any progress and leaving you feeling stuck in a loop.

Recognize any of the struggles listed above?

If so, it’s time for a real change. Mindful Money Management isn’t about spreadsheets or budgeting apps; it’s about creating a custom money plan for you and giving you the skills to adjust and rebuild so it continues to work for you.

Mindful Money Management is designed to give you the skills you need to manage your spending and saving plans to fit your unique needs.

Through two one-on-one sessions, we will explore your financial habits, address money trauma, and empower you to craft a sustainable and shame-free financial future. This isn’t just about budgeting; it’s about building a new money identity and turning your financial dreams into achievable goals.


Session One

1.5 to 2 Hours

In our session, we dive into your current financial situation, habits, mindset around money and money management. We’ll explore, in a no-judgement zone, what has led you to where you are. Then we’ll design a practical, achievable financial strategy, grounded in the realities of your specific situation. You’ll have a bit of homework to do beforehand, but it’s worth it!

Close Up Of Woman At Home Writing In Gratitude Journal
Business meeting schedule and planning concept


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After implementing your plan for four-to-six weeks, we’ll have a follow-up session to see how it’s working for you. Here, you’ll learn more about how to make sure your plan is serving you rather than you serving the plan.

Session Two

45 Minutes

Not quite sure if this is right for you?

This program is NOT for individuals who:

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Want Quick Fixes: If you’re looking for an app to solve all your money problems and do all of the work for you, this isn’t the program for you.

Avoid Deep Work: Not ready to explore and address your internal beliefs and traumas around money? This might not be the right fit.

Are Set in Their Ways: If you’re not open to challenging your current beliefs and habits about money, this may not be the right fit.

Lack Commitment: Real, lasting change requires a commitment to the process. If you’re not ready to invest time and effort, this might not be for you.

Avoid Accountability: If you’re not ready to take ownership of your financial situation, acknowledging both the circumstances out of your control and the choices you’ve made, this program won’t be able to help you as effectively.

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This program IS for individuals who:

Are Ready for Change: You’re tired of the cycle of financial uncertainty and are committed to making lasting changes in your money habits.

Willing to Dig Deep: You understand that real change involves exploring your money traumas and beliefs, and you’re willing to do the internal work.

Seek Custom Solutions: You’re looking for personalized, one-on-one coaching, not a one-size-fits-all course or app.

Value Financial Empowerment: You aspire to not only understand where your money goes but to also take control and make informed decisions about your finances.

Are Open & Teachable: You’re open to learning and applying new concepts, even if they challenge your current beliefs about money.

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Ready to transform your financial future?

If you’ve decided you’re ready to step into a life of financial clarity, empowerment, and fulfillment, then it’s time to take the leap! By joining the Mindful Money Mastery program, you’re not just learning about money; you’re rewriting your financial story and laying the foundation for a future of abundance and peace of mind.

🌟 Secure Your Spot Now! I only open my books for one-on-one sessions twice a year, so grab your spot now or you may have to wait till next year.

🔒 Application Only: I only work with people who are committed and ready to do the put in the effort needed tp create lasting change. If that’s you, click below to apply and start your journey to financial empowerment!

👉 Apply for Mindful Money Management Now

Are you ready to say goodbye to financial stress and step into a life of abundance? The journey starts here!

What You’re Getting for $197

  • Personalized One-on-One Coaching: Two transformative one-on-one sessions tailored to your unique financial situation and goals.

  • Custom Financial Blueprint: Create a practical and sustainable financial plan, moving beyond traditional budgets and spreadsheets.

  • Empowerment & Accountability: Gain the tools, knowledge, and support to take control and make informed financial decisions.

  • Strategies for Sustainable Success: Learn habits and practices to maintain financial clarity and progress long after the program ends.

  • Application Only Access: Be part of an exclusive group committed to deep work and transformative financial change.

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